Universal Century
The Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy The Universal Century (UC) is the main timeline of the Gundam franchise. It is set in the 21st century, after a devastating war between Earth and its colonies in space. The UC timeline is home to some of the most iconic Gundams, such as the RX-78-2 Gundam from the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime series. The UC timeline is divided into several eras, each marked by a major conflict. The first era, the One Year War, is the setting of the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime series. The One Year War was fought between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon, a group of space colonies that sought independence from Earth. The war ended with the defeat of Zeon, but it left a legacy of bitterness and distrust that would shape the events of the following eras. Amuro Ray, The Protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) The second era, ...